Voice Customer
We received the opinion and impression from our customers to be delighted with our encouragement.
*This Complimentary from our loyal customer came to our salon.
T.K 様(20代/会社員/脱毛)

Thank You Salon HILO I reset my body and mind
A.I 様(30代/会社員/ブライダルエステ)

Bridal Esthe wants to buy some present and want come again.
S.T 様(40代/主婦/フェイシャル)

Facial. I really like this salon and want to come again, easy to consult about the skin condition.
K.T 様(40代/主婦/脱毛)

Hair Removal 4th session finished, and I don’t need to use a razor anymore. My skin is so smooth and I’m really Satisfied.
H.S 様(40代/パート/月一エステ)

Loyal Customer.all staff are very friendly and easy to talk to.i can relax my mind and i got really satisfied with all the service.
F.A 様(50代/主婦/フェイシャル)

Facial.Thank very much for the service.all staff are charming, and kind when welcoming the guest and during counseling.
I had skin problems with the red condition, but after the treatment ,the redness changed to normal and fair skin.very satisfied with the service .
I had skin problems with the red condition, but after the treatment ,the redness changed to normal and fair skin.very satisfied with the service .
A.M 様(30代/主婦/脱毛)

A.K 様(40代/自営業/フェイシャル)

Facial. I like the HILO Policy when I listen to the staff. We Can do everythings for the customer to be satisfied.
A.U 様(30代/主婦/脱毛)

Hair Removal . Recommended from my friend. Salon Hilo is cozy .I had problems with hairy face and face colour. but after 1 time of treatment my skin is so smooth and easy to put on some Foundation.Thank you HILO.
H.B 様(40代/会社員/フェイシャル)

Facial i did my foto Facial in February 2013 and since then i have been indebted once a month.The Staff are kind and the treatment also not pain.the skin also rejuvenated.
H.S 様(40代/パート/フェイシャル)

Facial. The staff are very kind and the treatment also no pain.want come again to HILO SALON
N.I 様(30代/会社員/フェイシャル)

Facial . Know this Salon from My Friend.Photo Facial was so Anxious for the first time.but when you come to the salon you will become relaxed.Not feel Pain and the stain also eliminates after 1 week. really Satisfied.